The inspiration for the name of this blog comes directly from Milan Kundera’s ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’. The book challenged Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of eternal recurrence based on the premise that all events in the universe will continue to recur ad infinitum.

While I agree with Kundera’s interpretation of eternal recurrence that each person has only one life to live and what occurs in that one life transpires once and only once – thus the lightness of being, this lightness to me is absolutely incredible. How can it be unbearable when it frees us from the shackles of societal conventions?

This belief is what gave me the push to take a year off. I quit a lucrative job I enjoyed, packed and stored my life into cartons, moved countries, and became a student all over again.

It wasn’t an easy decision. But I was exemplifying lightness in my life, and this one year changed my life. I completed my (second) master in High-Tech Entrepreneurship, and now am back in India to actually become an entrepreneur.

Having been a corporate nine-to-niner my entire career, this is unknown territory for me. Again, it has not been an easy decision. But in keeping with the ‘Incredible Lightness of Being’ I am so excited about this part of my life journey. So be prepared to hear all about my trials and jubilations on this blog. Nothing too serious though. We like to keep it ‘light’ around here!


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